Category: website

How to install custom fonts in WordPress?

Do you have a website built on WordPress and don't know how to install custom fonts? Have you noticed that the available fonts don't suit your taste? Using custom fonts different from the default ones is easier than you think! Here are two ways to do it:

WordPress - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


Use Any Font

This plugin allows you to upload fonts directly from your computer and supports formats like ttf, otf, eot, woff, svg, dfont, and suit. It works with major browsers such as Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and others. Font loading time is good since they are hosted directly on your site.

Easy Google Fonts

This plugin loads fonts directly from the Google Fonts database. This means: Google Fonts. Esto significa que:

  • The font doesn't need to be on your computer; it must be in the Google Fonts repository to load.
  • It has 915 font types in its database.
  • It has a system that allows you to suggest similar fonts if the one you need isn't available.
  • Fonts will load from Google's server, so they won't take up space on your server.
  • You won't have compatibility issues between browsers.

WP Google Fonts

This plugin allows you to add fonts from the Google Fonts repository with a limit of up to 6 per page. This is because an excess of fonts can slow down your page and make it look bad.

CSS. Tal vez te preguntes qué es CSS, pues… | by Angélica Velázquez | KAN  by MUKTEK Academy

02. Insert with CSS:

If you have the font installed on your computer or downloaded in your files, you can upload it to the server via FTP and then link it with CSS. You'll need to use a tool that converts your file to all compatible font formats so that all browsers can read it.

You can do this from “Generator” de Font Squirrel.

  • Now, upload the font via FTP with all its extensions to an existing directory or create one, for example, a folder called "fonts" in the root of the WordPress installation.
  • Edit the style sheet of your active theme:
@font-face {   
  //Nombre por el que llamaremos a la fuente    
font-family: ‘tufuente’;     
  //Referencia de todo los formatos    
src: url(‘/fuentes/tufuente.eot’);    
src: url(‘/fuentes/tufuente.eot?#iefix’) format(’embedded-opentype’),    
url(‘/fuentes/tufuente.woff2’) format(‘woff2’),    
url(‘/fuentes/tufuente.woff’) format(‘woff’),    
url(‘/fuentes/tufuente.ttf’) format(‘truetype’),    
url(‘/fuentes/tufuente.svg#tufuente’) format(‘svg’);    
font-weight: normal;    
font-style: normal;

In this example, "tufuente" will be replaced by the name of the font you upload. The src and url should be replaced by the path where your files were uploaded. In our example, the "fonts" folder in the WordPress root.

Now just use it. For example, if you want to assign it to titles:

h2, h3, h4{ 
    font-family: ‘tufuente’;

And if the titles already have a different font assigned, or you're looking for the line and replace it, or you add !important to give priority to your modification:

h1, h2, h3, h4{    
font-family: ‘tufuente’ !important;
Fonts for Print, Products & Screens | MyFonts

Download Fonts!

If you're not sure where to download your favorite fonts, here's a list of websites where you'll find almost unlimited fonts of any style:

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What is a subdomain and what is it used for?

Have you ever seen or heard of subdomains? Surely while browsing the Internet you have come across one or another, but you have not realized it. Here we explain a little about what they are and how to identify them:

What is a subdomain?

A subdomain is an extension of your domain name. This is used to organize different sections of your page and works independently of it. Let's take a very practical example:

Your original domain is, on this site you offer different services such as websites and online stores. If you want to include very extensive content about any of these services, it may be best to create a subdomain for each one. In that case, your subdomains would be: and, simple, right?

Qué es un dominio y un subdominio?

Why should I use a subdomain?

Although a subdomain is part of your main site, it is considered a separate entity by search engines. That is, subdomains are taken as individual sites by Google and can help you improve the SEO of specific services.

In addition to this, there are companies that need certain sections of their website to have completely different designs from the rest, due to the nature of the information they contain. In this case, a subdomain is the perfect choice for this.

Taxonomía Organización de la información para Contenidos Web

Advantages of using subdomains

  • The main advantage of having a subdomain is that you can organize different sections totally different from your website, we have already explained in the upper points of this article.
  • You avoid saturation on your main site. As you may have already realized, the more information and sections you add to your main site, the more tedious (and perhaps even confusing) it becomes to find specific data. Separating resources by subdomains can help you simplify navigation between tabs and improve the user experience.
  • You don't need to pay to create subdomains. When you purchase your domain, creating subdomains is free and unlimited!
  • SEO. Since a subdomain is viewed as a separate page, you can rank it for specific keywords for your services.
  • Serve different areas. With subdomains you can separate your services and products according to geographic areas, if that is what you need.

What do I need to have to create subdomains?

  1. The first thing you need is to get a hosting provider and buy your web domain.
  2. Once you have made the purchase, you must enter your hosting control panel and go to the “domains or subdomains” section (depending on your provider).
  3. There you will see the options that allow you to create subdomains, they are normally very descriptive and do not require extensive knowledge, try to choose short and specific names for your new sites.
  4. Done! This will take you less than 5 minutes.

If you don't have hosting or a domain yet, try paginaMx! A Mexican provider offering hosting options, domains, professional emails, and much more.

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Is your website not secure? You need an SSL certificate!

Do you have a website and have you noticed that web browsers register it as an unsafe site? This is mainly because, for some time now, Google has been starting to display a message on pages that do not have a security certificate. Therefore, the connection between your computer and the server where the page is hosted is not encrypted.

Or in other words, there is no installed SSL security certificate on the server. Here we tell you a little more about it:

certificado de seguridad

1. What is a security certificate?

A security certificate, or SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer), is a security standard that allows the transfer of encrypted data between a browser and a web server. This certificate is used globally by millions of companies and individuals to reduce the risk of theft and manipulation of confidential information.

2. What functions does the security certificate or SSL have?

In short, an SSL certificate allows you to:

  • Authenticate the identity of the website, guaranteeing visitors that they are not on a fake site.
  • Encrypt the transmitted information.
  • Activate the HTTPS protocol on a website.

3. What is the HTTPS protocol?

You've probably noticed that website addresses these days include “https://” at the beginning of each of them, right? This indicates that the websites have a system that allows the information between your computer and the site to travel in encrypted form.

This security protocol ensures that no one can intercept the information you send and receive from a website to your computer. So your information is always safe.

4. Are there various types of SSL certificates?

Yes, there are different types of SSL certificates, depending on the number of domain names or subdomains you have, for example:

  • Unique SSL Certificate: Secure a domain name.
  • SSL certificate Comodín: This certificate protects one domain name and an unlimited number of its subdomains.
  • Multidomain SSL Certificate: Used to protect multiple domain names.
que es el certificado SSL

5. What type of pages need an SSL certificate?

The most ideal is for any website to have a security certificate, however, it is of utmost importance for any company or individual that has a site where they request, receive, store or display confidential information. For example:

  • Login information (usernames and passwords).
  • Financial information (credit card numbers, bank accounts).
  • Personal data (names, addresses, dates of birth).
  • Legal documents and contracts.
  • Customer lists.

** Something important that you should keep in mind, regardless of whether your site requires personal data or not, is that the message displayed by Google about a site that is not secure can affect the behavior of your visitors, and this, in turn , can affect your positioning in search engines. For example, if people begin to interact less and less with your page because it is not secure, Google will detect this and begin to leave you until the end of the results due to the high rate of “bounces” generated.

https y http, diferencias

6. Do I have a way to know if my site is secure?

Yes. Of course there is and it's very simple! All you have to do is go to your website and check the top bar of the browser, right where your domain is displayed. There you will be able to see the name of your website, for example:, pay close attention to the initial part of the address. If you have the lock icon and the “https”, congratulations! You have a safe place.

que significa https

If your site is only http instead of https, then you do not have a security certificate.

7. My site is not secure, where do I get my certificate?

  1. To obtain an SSL certificate you will have to pay a fixed annual cost to your hosting provider (the place where your website is hosted). They will then need to install the certificate. This may take approximately an hour.
  2. Now you will have to adapt the website. This includes:
    • Enviar a todos los usuarios que entren en cualquier página de tu web a la nueva versión segura. (Es decir, la nueva dirección con https).
    • Revisar que todos tus enlaces y botones redirijan a tu dirección segura, en lugar de la dirección con http.
    • ¡Listo!

If you are looking for a web provider, try PaginaMx, a Mexican company where you can buy your domain + Cpanel + SSL Certificate, all in the same place and easily!

pagina mx, dominio, hosting y certificado SSL

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Do you know what Cookies are and what they are used for?

Surely at some point while browsing the Internet you have come across an advertisement that asked you to accept “Cookies” from a specific website, but do you know what this means?

Cookies are computer files sent by websites that are stored in our browser and that obtienen datos sobre nosotros. These files obtain information about the visitor of a website and use it, mainly, for Internet advertising, for example, to provide personalized advertisements. In other words, cookies have the function of “telling” brands and companies how we behave online.

Who is the owner of the Cookies?

These files can be generated by the website you are visiting and with the aim of personalizing the service it offers or the way in which it displays its data, to control site traffic, identify the login of its users, store content or allow the use of security elements, while others are generated by third-party websites (generally advertisers). Although, in reality, according to a report from the European Union, about 70% of the cookies that you will find while browsing the Internet are from companies that track information to offer personalized advertising.

Por qué son importantes las cookies para navegar por Internet

What type of information do they collect?

Cookies can collect different types of information from each user, such as:

  1. Email addresses and passwords
  2. Our telephone number and address
  3. IP adress
  4. Your computer's operating system
  5. Browser used
  6. Previously visited pages

What types of cookies exist?

1. Session Cookie: It is only active while the user is browsing the website. When this exits, the information is deleted.

2. Persistent o Permanent Cookie: These are Cookies that remain saved even after leaving the website. The validity time will be that which the programmer believes is necessary. The visitor can delete them at any time they wish, by entering their browser settings.

3. Third-Party Cookies: Estas son las cookies de terceros, se utilizan para propósitos publicitarios.

4. Supercookie: It is a tracking Cookie that allows us to know all the user's movements on the web and is not stored on the computer. That is, it cannot be blocked or excluded. There are already some laws to prevent its operation, mainly because users did not agree with this improper data capture.

5. Zombie Cookie: It is a type of Cookie that is activated after being deleted.

6. Secure Cookie: To guarantee security, it only accepts HTTPS type connections.

7. Same-Site Cookie: Makes the servers only accept requests from the same website. This also serves computer security, protecting it from forced requests.

Should I be afraid of Cookies?

No, in reality these files do not create risks as a user, however, you should always be careful when using shared computers or those located in public places (such as libraries or an internet cafe). In this case, it is always recommended that you use incognito mode or delete cookies after using the computer.

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What is web positioning?

Web positioning or SEO positioning refers to the set of techniques used to organically position a web page in the first results of a Google search.

Web positioning, or SEO positioning, could be defined as a process focused on placing a certain page in the top positions of search results for a specific search. It is a constant work that takes months of strategy to show results, but it will undoubtedly give you very good results if you start implementing it.

Elements of positioning SEO

Keywords: Las palabras clave (o keywords) son términos compuestos por una o más palabras con las que un usuario escribirá sus dudas en el navegador. Por ejemplo: “¿Qué es el posicionamiento web?”.

Keyword palabras clave que son

Content: The content of your website should always consist of your main keywords, as well as having titles and subtitles with their respective tags organized by hierarchies (h1, h2, h3, etc.). You should also consider that NEVER you must have duplicate content on your websites, as it will result in penalties from Google.

encabezados-h1-h2-h3-seo-posicionar-blog | Desenredando la red

ALT attributes: ALT attributes help search engines read and index your content easily, so it is essential that all your images contain an ALT description explaining the content of the image.


URL’s: A simple URL with keywords facilitates positioning in search engines, in addition to making the site easier for users to understand. They should always be written in a user-friendly way, without special characters, numbers or random letters.

You can find more information about backlinks here.

Types of positioning

  1. Organic: Organic positioning is aimed at modifying technical aspects of a website and creating content that can make a website more useful and relevant, so that it gains more importance or presence in search results. It is called organic or natural because no money is invested or paid to appear in better positions.
  1. Paid: This type of positioning consists of paying for services such as Google Ads, where you will generate Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, thus achieving that your website is in the first search results for a keyword. This method, compared to the organic one, is much faster and simpler, in the sense that you do not have to wait months or plan a strategy to see results.
Google Ads logo

Why is SEO positioning important?

As you rightly mention Inboundcycle, “If you are not seen on the first page of Google results, you are losing more than 90% of clicks.“. Among the first results in a Google search, the first position accumulates on average 59.59% of the users' clicks. Having good SEO It will make your website more useful, both for users and for search engines, helping it to climb positions until it appears in the first results. SEO is the best way for your users to find you through internet searches.

If you want to know more about SEO, don't miss our next blog post, where we'll give you 9 tips to improve your strategy organically.

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Web page design: Tools for content creation.

Once you decide to build and design the structure of your website, you should also start thinking about the visual content of it, as well as the creation of your social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), since, as is well known, people interact and react much more quickly and intensely to images and videos.

Using high-quality, eye-catching images with interesting designs will help you retain and impact your audience effortlessly. That's why we're giving you 6 tools that will be great for you to start working on your graphics:

1. Gravit

Gravit is one of the most widely used tools in the open source graphic design field. It can be used to design almost anything, from icons, interfaces, vector images or professional presentations to images or graphics for social media.

Funciona para Windows, Linux, IOS y otras plataformas, además de estar disponible en diferentes idiomas, por lo que es una herramienta muy completa.

logo Canva

2. Canva

Canva is a tool that offers basic and advanced features to create images online and for free. One of the advantages of Canva is that it has functions that help you create images for social networks and even memes. This can help you a lot when creating content for your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages.

Canva is available as an online editor, but it also has an app for iPad, iPhone, and PC that will allow you to use it anywhere.

Logo pexels

3. Pexels

Unlike previous tools, Pexels is a platform that offers beautiful, high-quality, copyright-free photographs ready to download and edit. There you can find a wide variety of resources that will help you with any type of content you need to create.

One advantage is that on Pexels you can browse through different categories and tags and even start uploading your own content, as well as donate money to creators through a Paypal account.

Giphy logo

4. Giphy

GIFs are one of the things that cannot be missing from websites or social networks, since you can express a lot within a single element and they are potentially viral. In the same way, gifs usually encourage your users to interact with you.

Giphy is the ideal platform for generating your own Gifs, as well as searching and browsing through content that has been created by other users. In addition to this, it allows users to search and share short looping videos without sound, which resemble animated gifs.

lumen5 logo

5. Lumen5

Lumen5 allows you to edit videos easily, intuitively and simply, using your own images and photos, or browsing through the gallery on the same platform. It also allows you to create videos for social networks, videos with animations, videos for advertisements or for online stores, and much more. You just need to register and start editing.

Si quieres más consejos sobre el diseño y acomodo de contenido en tu página web, visita esta entrada.

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4 ways to better convey your website's message: Design patterns

If you have a website, it is important for you to know that its content should always support the message you want to convey, whether through images, eye-catching text, or strategically placed buttons. That is why you should pay close attention to where the most important aspects of your information will be placed, as this will ensure that visitors convert on your site (for example, buy your products, contact you, or leave their email so you can send them valuable information).

But how can you achieve this? Fortunately, there are already different rules or “patterns” that will help you resolve your doubts and make your task easier, and here we will review the most common ones:

Patrones de diseño web

First, let's explain a little bit about this term, since you've probably never heard it before: A web design pattern is a certain way of distributing the visual elements of a page, optimizing the relationship between them. And although each person can choose how to distribute their content without taking into account a pattern from the beginning, the design patterns that already exist are the most effective way to convey your message or achieve an action from the user, and they also improve the usability of our websites.

In short, these patterns help us prioritize and define which elements are most important within a web page and therefore, what should attract the customer's attention the most. This way, we will always have the right attention in the right places.

Los patrones de diseño más usados

  • Z design pattern: When we visit a website for the first time, we scan the content quickly and make an eye movement similar to the letter “Z.” With this in mind, a page that uses this pattern usually places its logo in the upper left corner so that it is the first thing that the user notices. In front of the logo, in the upper right corner, the navigation menu and a call to action, such as a sign up, contact or purchase button, are usually placed:
ejemplo de patron de sieño web z

The final part of the Z is the conclusion of everything that was presented on the page, so you need to encourage them to take action. Place an attractive button that draws attention (“buy now”, “sign up”, “contact us”, etc.).

  • Full Image Web Design Pattern: This web design pattern includes little text over an image that usually takes up most of the screen. This serves to capture the full attention of your users and generate a great visual experience from the start. In addition, it communicates your message immediately, since with a simple image you can express what you do, who you are and what you offer. In this type of design you should always accompany your cover with a striking explanatory phrase or a slogan that represent you.
patrón de diseño web pantalla completa
  • Design Pattern F: This design pattern is based on a form of page scanning, just like the first point we explained. The difference between the two is that this one is (generally) applied to text-heavy pages, such as blogs or informational sites. For this type of design, it's best to invest most of your effort in the top section of your page and then reinforce the message in the middle. This way, your visitors will be clear about what your message is without having to read too much.
patrón de diseño web F
  • 4. Single column design: This design is very simple and straightforward, as it relies on simple navigation that only requires you to swipe down to continue reading (like in the Facebook feed or in this blog post).
    In this type of design, you should always add a “back to top” button if your content is extensive, or alternatively, add a fixed menu to improve navigation. This way, your visitors won’t have to make a big effort to go to other sections or return to the beginning.

Now that you know the four most common web design patterns, which one do you apply to your website or which one would you like to try? Go ahead and implement this information and check out the results!

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How do I improve my contact page?

One of the most important parts of your website, whether you sell products or services, is the contact section, since thanks to it your clients will be able to contact you or visit you, if you have a physical location.

One of the best ways

1. Visibilidad

Always make sure your contact information is clearly visible and organized by priority. For example: What interests you more, being visited in a physical location, or being contacted by phone? Whatever your answer was, it deserves to be prioritized and appear at the top of your contact information. To do this, you can use a darker font color, a striking title, or even a striking section on your contact page.

Mejora tu página de contacto

2. Google Maps is your ally

Don't forget to register your business on Google Maps! This is the map that most people search on these days, so you should take advantage of it. Plus, the process is free and won't take more than 5 minutes.

One of the great advantages of this is that you can embed the map where your business appears directly on your website so that your customers can interact with it without having to leave the site. This will allow them to zoom in and out, see how to get there from any location, etc.

If you want to know how to insert a map on your website, visit this link.

3. Estimated response time

If you think it is convenient or relevant for you, include an estimated response time so that your clients do not despair when they see that they do not have an email immediately where you can answer their questions.

Mejora tu página de contacto

4. Call to action

One of the things you can do to incentivize your customers is to use a “call to action”. This is made up of a title and a short text that attracts the attention of visitors.

This text should primarily remind your potential customers why they visited your site and which of their needs you can satisfy with the services you offer.

5.- Frequently asked questions

A good option for your contact page is to include a FAQ section where you can answer people's most immediate questions. This way you can greatly reduce response time and decrease the number of emails to answer.

Mejora tu página de contacto
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What are keywords? Don't lose visibility

keyword, is the term or terms that users use when they do a search on the internet. and is one of the most important elements for the SEO of any website, since these words will be the ones that will attract anyone to our content.

Keywords can be divided into two main groups:

According to the objective:

They are defined by the objective that each person has when performing a search, they can be divided into:

  1. Informative: They provide information on various topics, such as the weather, how to make a recipe, etc.
  2. Transactional: Users make a transaction, such as a purchase or a download.
  3. Navigational: The search focuses on a website, specifically. Por ejemplo: Youtube, Facebook, Intagram.

According to volume:

  1. High search volume or “Head”: These are very broad searches with a high search volume and a lot of competition. For example, “dogs,” “cats,” “memes.”
  2. Very general keywords, or Middle Tail: They are a bit more specific than “memes” or “dogs,” but still general. For example: “cheap cars,” “dog memes,” “shoes on sale.”
  3. Long Tail Keywords: This type of keyword represents opportunities for your business, since they are specific searches that aim to complete a transaction. For example: “Buy cheap cars in Puebla”, “download 100 Years of Solitude in PDF”, etc.
Keywords, qué son y cómo usarlas

What type of keyword should I use?

Using keywords with high search volume can be a good option if you are looking to attract a lot of people to your website, however, because they involve greater competition, they are not usually a good idea if you are just starting out and are not well positioned, as you can get lost in the sea of ​​Google results.

In this sense, a good option for you could be long tail keywords, since you will attract people who are really interested in what you offer, and that will give you a higher conversion rate. To make this clearer, we will give you an example: If you use a generic word like “new cell phones,” many people will enter your website looking for general information, to see the models that exist, or out of simple curiosity. On the other hand, if you use “buy new cell phones in Puebla,” the probability that a buyer will arrive and take action on your site is greater.

Tipos de keywords y cuál usar

How do I choose keywords for my page?

1. Analyze your page and your competition. Competing with certain keywords is very difficult because they are highly saturated and dominated by very important pages or paid results.

2. Define your potential customers. Once you have a clear idea of ​​where your website stands in relation to the competition, think about who your potential customers are. What are they searching for and how do they do it?

3. Identify your long tail keywords. Find a series of longer, more descriptive keywords. Try to make them as attractive as possible to the potential customers you defined in the previous step. For example, if you are going to sell cell phones, use “new cell phones in Puebla.”

4. Use some of the tools available for choosing keywords. If you are interested in seeing what kind of keyword tools you can use, click on this link.

In conclusion

keyword , is the term or terms that users use when they do a search on the internet. and is one of the most important elements for SEO (if you still don't know what SEO is, don't miss our next post) of any website. The type of results or pages that each person finds during their searches on Google will depend on the keywords they use. That is why, in order to attract the right audience and improve both your sales and your visibility, it is necessary to plan and monitor the keywords that you will use.

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How to sell more on my website? Increase sales easily!

Have you ever wondered how to sell more on your website? If you offer services or products online, you can start with a simple step that doesn't require large monetary costs or advanced programming knowledge. We're talking about improving your customers' trust so they're more likely to make a purchase or take a specific action on your site.

Offers personalized communication

In traditional stores, when a customer arrives there is always a person dedicated to answering their questions and facilitating the sale, this is the same thing that we should simulate on a website to encourage our visitors. (According to a Survey conducted by IMShopping in 2009, customers want a person to be available to help them through the purchasing process, even if it's done digitally. One way to easily simulate this is by using a chat, since today, the most effective method of person-to-person communication is instant messaging. This is because people (and especially younger people) prefer a more casual and quick conversation that doesn't make them feel as involved as a phone call.

Companies are also using chats as new sales channels since many of them offer the opportunity to integrate emoticons, photos, videos and even files into your messages, thus not generating resistance and giving customers confidence.

How do online chats work?

Most online chats for websites offer the possibility of integrating several support people who can start a conversation with website visitors at a given time, or simply access various data of interest for each client (for example, the URL they are visiting, their IP, etc.).

When any of these clients write to the chat, the operator(s) will receive a notification in the administration panel and will be able to interact with them in real time. Chats can usually make sounds to give notifications, save responses, send files, photos or videos and can be managed from a computer or through a smartphone application, which makes them very practical to use from anywhere.

Another advantage of how chats work on websites is that you can program them to respond even when you are not there, providing 24/7 support.

Benefits of a chat on your website

  1.  According to Total Retail, business owners who take the time to talk to their customers are 48% more likely to increase average purchase and three times more likely to retain customers.
  2. Pre-made answers: Depending on the nature of the question, you can provide an answer and solution to your customer's problem.
  3. Customer Satisfaction: You improve your customers' shopping experience, so they are more likely to return to your site and make another purchase, and you could even get recommendations from your customers to their friends and acquaintances.
  4. Analytics: Most live chats have the ability to analyze and record the pages that have the most visits, giving you valuable information so that you can develop a sales strategy or make the best decisions that will help you sell better.
  5. Speed ​​and Practicality: Using an instant messaging system will save you a lot of time between responses and you will be able to easily make a sale.
  6. Automation: Most chats offer the option to automate your messages, so you don't need to be present 24/7 to be able to contact your customers.
  7. Triggers”: Depending on the chat you're using, you might even be able to "schedule events" that trigger specific actions. For example, you could program that if a customer visits the same page twice or selects a specific product, your chat will send them a special message prompting them to take action, ask a question, or complete their purchase.
  8. Get valuable contact information: A live chat can collect valuable data from your site visitors, such as their phone number, email, and name. This will help you build a database of potential customers you can contact in the future.
  9. Free and Premium Versions: Most chats offer a free version that you can upgrade if you need access to more advanced features.

In conclusion

Having an online chat on your website will help you talk to your site visitors at the exact moment they have questions, providing immediate assistance and answers. This will help you provide a 100% personalized experience and increase your chances of making sales. You can customize and manage them very easily and find them with free or premium versions.

If you are wondering how to sell more and which chats could help you, visit this link.

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