Trending Topics are the most used words within a period of time on Twitter. These are trendy keywords or hashtags, topics that are trending and what is most talked about at a certain moment.
Trending topics are easy to locate on Twitter, since this platform has an algorithm that is responsible for highlighting in real time the terms that its users use. These trending topics can be very useful for generating content, achieving visibility, and providing important information or services to your users during key moments. Here we tell you how:
Before starting
Although every day we can find a prominent topic on social networks, not all of them will be useful or relevant to your company or business because, surely, many of them will not be related to your commercial activities. That is why you must first take into account the following considerations:

The first steps
Research, research, research! The first thing you should take into account when integrating trending topics into your content is that without research, you will not advance as much as you could. As we mentioned before, Twitter is an easy, fast and simple way to locate trends, however, there are other tools that you can use for free. For example:
Make a list of words related to your business or industry and start looking to see what's trending for them! For example, if you have a flower shop, you could search for “flower arrangements”, “types of arrangements” and see what trends exist around those ideas.
Choosing the format
Once you find the desired information, the next thing is to plan your type of content: An image? A blog post? A video? You will decide all this depending on the data you have, for example, if you have descriptive and very detailed information about types of floral arrangements, you will probably want to write a detailed entry with images and characteristics of each of them, while, if you have little information, you can only make a simple and specific image to publish on your business's social networks.

Publicando en redes sociales
If you have already decided that you will use your trends for social networks, there are three points that you should take into account!
- Interactions: One way to get the most out of your research is to generate interactions with your audience. This means that, at the beginning or end of your posts, you invite them to take some action with your page, for example: Share the information, leave a comment or tag someone.
- Discussions: Don't forget to respond to your audience! If they leave you comments, feel free to reply to them and generate good chats or “discussions”. Of course, making sure to give your point of view in a respectful way, in order to establish a good relationship with your followers.
- Hashtags: Don't forget to use hashtags that contain your keywords to reach a larger audience.

Don't forget creativity when making content, remember that you can use the topics you have researched to:
- Make infographics
- Make videos
- Make blogs
- Collaborate with an expert or professional
That's all! Now you can start creating trend-based content for your brand or business.